Plenary Lectures 9 : The inelestic light scattering in carbon nanostructures from bulk to nano

Professor Ado Jorio (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Design of surface function of nano carbon materials is one of hot issues in the materials science. Professor Ado Jorio is right hand person of Professor Dresselhaus (MIT) who is authority of nano-carbon science. He worked with her for development of new characterization technique of nano-carbon such as graphene and carbon nano-tube from 2000. From his many innovative characterization works using Raman spectroscopy and AFM observation, he showed amazing clear D band and G band energy density image using his unique nano-antenna device. It was really surprising image data and his data attracts much attention from floor. Many participants in this plenary talk were attracted by his exciting talk.

Photo of Professor Jorio presentation



Right hand side: Professor Jorio
Left hand side: Chairperson Mori