A-3:Poster session Aug.31

A3-P31-007 S. Kunwar

BCS-BEC (Bose Einstein Condensation) crossover in iron based superconductor was characterized by STM. One of the hottest topics for revealing the mechanism of the superconductivity in these materials.

A3-P31-008 C. M. Palomares-Garcia et al.

Thin film growth of Sr2RuO4 on LSAT substarate by PLD technique. Drop of the resistance was observed at around the bulk Tc.

A3-P31-009 K. Komori et. al.

Fabrication of seamless flux transformer made of a superconducting tape for magnetic measurement. Simple technique but the method is also applicable to seamless superconducting solenoid.

A3-P31-010 T. Maeda et al.

Nb-based 1212 superconductor. Nb was substituted by Cu. Impurity phases were reduced by the substitution.

A3-P31-011 T. Maeda et al.

Substitution of Y-123 superconductor. Substitution of Ba by Sr and Cu by Mo. Superconductivity at relatively higher temperature was observed even in tetragonal phase.

A3-P31-012 Y. Sanogawa

Fabrication of bulk MgB2 superconductor using vapor transport method. The amount of MgO phase can be reduced by this technique.